Culturati offers a bouquet of choices to set the tone and tenor of your stay in London. The user has complete control over the kind of travel, dine and wine he wants to have. He sets the color to his sojourn in the city. Culturati offers a seamless and smooth experience no matter what kind of vacation you decide to choose. They are dedicated to providing a personalized experience through their Culturati concierge who usher’s the client into the many facets of the city from luxury offerings to cultural retreats to nightlife and fine dining. The visitor has a guided London experience leveraging the knowledge and know-how that only Culturati has to offer.
The challenge
The major task was to transfer online a sense of the refinement and sophistication that culturati offered in real life. It was to give a sense of on one side the complete control a user has about deciding the tone and tenor of his stay in London and the guided personalized concierge service that Culturati provides on the other side.
The Result
An optimum combination of rich refinement, User choice and guided tour, the site flawlessly brings all the elements together. It offers the user an array of choices to decide the flavor of his vacation to London. A visitor has complete control over his nature of stay, with a concierge to help him make the best of the choices. Developed on a Drupal based platform, it offers multiple choices to make one’s visit perfect.