Optimizing Organic SEO for Ubicquia ...

Completed Drupal site or project URL: https://www.ubicquia.com/With SEO-optimizing features like Webp, customizable meta tags, SEO-friendly URLs, automatic sitemap generation and more, Drupal proved to be the perfect solution for Ubicquia in enhancing their organic SEO.
Ubicquia is a leading technology company dedicated to making existing infrastructure smarter through easy, scalable, and innovative solutions. With a customer base of over 700 spanning the US, Canada, and Latin America, They excel in providing services to cities, utilities, and communications service providers, showcasing consistent progress in its projects.
The Result
Phase 1 delivered remarkable outcomes, significantly boosting the website's overall health score from 75 to an impressive 95. Embarking on Phase 2, Specbee prioritized Ubicquia’s user behavior analysis, aligning areas with user intent and optimizing content for enhanced performance.